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Thank you for choosing to write your will with Octopus Legacy. As a supporter of Blesma you're entitled to a free will.

Write a FREE will today

In return, all we ask is that you consider leaving them a gift in your will. Use the coupon code BLESMAFREE at check-out.

Done in 15 minutes

With expert support


Write your online will in 3 simple steps

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This is where your legacy starts

We’ll help you write your will by asking questions to help work out what you want.
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Over to our will experts

They’ll review it within 10 working days. Then you’ll sign it to make it legally binding.
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Keep on building your legacy

You can update your will whenever you like, for free in your first year, and only £10 a year after that.

Need a helping hand?

You can ask our expert team who will support you every step of the way.

Photo of Eliza
Photo of Dylan
Photo of Sam
Photo of Zana
Speak to our team

Better value for you

WITH Two pages with writing icon

It's FREE. Thanks to Blesma.


£150 – £300

Where there’s a will...

...there’s an octopus saying there’s a more interesting way to write it.

Your will could be a template. Or you could make it your own.

Why not share more than money? Share notes, playlists and memories.

Write your will

When people think of wills,
they think about things like
wealth, assets, property.

We see the start of

What can you share so
people feel close to you?

What can you leave to
make things easier?

How can you shape a
legacy that connects you
to the people you love -
now and after you’re gone.

These people are talking about death and creating their legacy. Join the conversation. Read what they have to say.

Talking about death can be scary, but so are all the other important things in life. It’s time to ask the questions. Start the conversation.

Start your will

Death comes with all sorts of questions. Existential, emotional, logistical. Whatever questions you have we can stretch apart together.