Advice Admin & Legal Mirror Wills & Joint Wills

Mirror Wills & Joint Wills

What is a mirror will?

A mirror will has been widely regarded as a good way to sort wills for couples as it allows them to jointly make their wishes known. However, having separate wills is becoming more common as circumstances can change and being able to update your own will becomes more important.

The truth about mirror wills

Mirror wills make a solicitor’s job easier as they only need to make up one document and then essentially mirror it - saving them time but also meaning they can charge more. This may not always be the best option for you and your partner.

In some cases, having a mirror will could mean that your children end up being disinherited. Why? Well, because mirror wills often don’t often account for those of us who have children from multiple partners or marriages.

What is becoming more common is that a couple will write their wills together, but as two separate documents. This is an online will service we offer, and we guide you through the process.

Mirror will vs single will

Whilst it may have been easier in the past to write a mirror will as a couple, the ease and accessibility of online wills has changed this for the better.

How? It's now much easier for a couple to write their own wills that can match in certain areas and be personalised in others. For example whilst you and your partner may want your estate to go to your children, you may have different funeral wishes or want to donate to different charities. This means you are not restricted and get the best of both worlds.

What is a joint will?

A joint will is simply the term for getting two individual wills together. By getting a joint will, both partners have the freedom to choose your own wishes without any restrictions.

However, there are things you may still want to consider echoing in both wills:

  • Appointing the same legal guardians for your children
  • Appointing the same people to look after any pets
  • Dividing up the estate in the same way

So joint wills give you the freedom to outline any personal wishes you may have, whilst also matching anything you deem relevant.

What are the best wills for couples?

If you and your partner are looking to get your wills online with Octopus Legacy, we only charge £135 for both wills compared to £180 at full price. It's easy to match each others’ wishes and by each having an account you can update your own will whenever you need - without affecting your partner's will.

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You can ask our expert team who will support you every step of the way.

Photo of Eliza
Photo of Dylan
Photo of Sam
Photo of Zana

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