Advice Admin & Legal

Admin & Legal

What to do when someone dies: a step-by-step guide

5 minute read

What to do when someone dies: a step-by-step guide to handling the legal and practical tasks after a loved one's death in England and Wales.

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A Guide to Estate Administration After A Death

6 minute read

Learn the essentials of Estate Administration. Ideal for executors & administrators, our guide simplifies the estate administration process from start to finish.

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A Guide to Probate

4 minute read

What is probate? Learn about probate – if you need it, how to prepare for it and how to apply for a Grant of Representation – with our expert guide.

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What to do before applying for probate and paying Inheritance Tax

4 minute read

Discover what to do before applying for probate: from finding a will and confirming its validity, to figuring out and valuing what’s in their estate.

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A Guide to Inheritance Tax

5 minute read

When do you pay inheritance tax? Learn about the inheritance tax process, when to report an estate’s value to HMRC, and how to check if you need to pay it.

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What type of will do I need: a basic will or a bespoke will?

4 minute read

The type of will you need depends on what your wishes are & the size of your estate. Learn what type of will suits you: a basic will or a bespoke will.

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A Guide to Will Storage

5 minute read

Learn about the benefits of professional will storage. Secure your legal documents from damage, loss or tampering in a professional will storage facility.

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SSB Customer Information

4 minute read

SSB Law has closed down its document storage service. Octopus Legacy has taken on its customers to ensure their documents are stored securely and can be accessed. Find out more here.

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Guide to creating your own Desert Island Disc

4 minute read

Ever listened to an episode of the famous BBC Radio Four Desert Island Discs and thought - what would my songs be? What would the people I love’s answers be? Time to stop wondering, and to have a bash at DIY-ing your own. It can be a way of connecting in new and surprising ways with the people you’re closest to, and it’s a beautiful gift to have when they’re gone.

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Can Life Insurance companies predict your age of death?

3 minute read

Life Insurance companies use data to calculate your average age of death. But does that mean they can predict when you'll die? Find out here.

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Top professions with the highest cost of life insurance

3 minute read

Life insurance premiums are calculated according to risk - including the danger of your profession. Learn how your job can impact your life insurance cost here.

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What can make a will invalid?

5 minute read

A will can be legally invalid in a whole host of ways. Knowing what they are can help avoid any of the common pitfalls. Learn more here.

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Death Admin

6 minute read

Octopus Legacy lay out the step-by-step process for two different kinds of death admin and explain how you can save time, money and stress so you can focus on what really matters.

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Can I take Life Insurance out on a celebrity or someone I don’t know?

3 minute read

Octopus Legacy lay out whether you can take out Life Insurance on behalf of someone else - a friend, a partner, or even a celebrity?

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Do my debts die with me?

4 minute read

Find out what happens to your debts when you die. Octopus Legacy breaks down the different kinds of debt, and which debt falls to who in this simple guide.

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Your Guide to Legacy Marketing

3 minute read

Octopus Legacy has put together a beginner's guide to Legacy Marketing. Find out how to build a strategy, get internal buy-in and check out valuable resources.

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Leaving a gift in your will

4 minute read

Unsure what a gift in will is, or what the pros and cons are? Find out here and learn how easy it is to include a gift in your will today.

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Do you need Life Insurance for a Mortgage?

4 minute read

Octopus Legacy explain whether you need Life Insurance when you get a mortgage and why. Find out more about the pros and cons here.

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Do you need a will if you don’t have any assets?

3 minute read

Octopus Legacy lay out who needs a will and who doesn't. Discover why wills can be useful and when you should think about writing them.

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Conservatorship vs Deputyship vs Lasting Power of Attorney

6 minute read

Octopus Legacy outline the difference between conservatorship, deputyship and Lasting Power of Attorney.

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A Guide to Life Insurance for Smokers

4 minute read

Octopus Legacy explains all you need to know about life insurance for smokers. Can you still get it, and is it more expensive?

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Can you leave money to pets in a will?

4 minute read

Octopus Legacy explains all you need to know about including your pets in your will and how to provide for them once you’re gone.

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A Guide to a Modern Crypto Will

4 minute read

Octopus Legacy guide you through a modern will including how to leave cryptocurrency, NFT’s, Bitcoin, Ethereum and more in your will.

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How to disinherit someone in your will

7 minute read

You can’t choose your family. And for some people relationships with family members can be complicated. This might mean that you’re considering disinheriting a relative in your will. Choosing to disinherit someone in your will is a big decision that should not be taken lightly. If you do decide that it is still the right choice for you we’ve laid out how to disinherit someone in your will below.

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What Happens To My Social Media Accounts When I Die?

5 minute read

Octopus Legacy lays out what happens to your social media accounts when you die, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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WHSmith Will Kit

4 minute read

The WHSmith DIY will kit is a basic will template for simple wills. We review this will pack and compare it to more comprehensive and reliable will alternatives.

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Do I Need Life Insurance?

4 minute read

Life Insurance can feel like a big commitment, not to mention an overwhelming task. But do you actually need Life Insurance? Find out more about who does and who doesn't need Life Insurance here.

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How To Sign Your Lasting Power of Attorney Forms

2 minute read

Find out more about how to sign your Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) forms with our step-by-step guide.

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Guide to Making a Will During Lockdown

4 minute read

A will needs to be signed in front of two independent witnesses, given current social distancing and lockdown rules, this is a more challenging task than usual.

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How much does a Lasting Power of Attorney cost?

4 minute read

Here we outline key information about the costs of getting your Lasting Power of Attorney documents completed.

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Free Wills Month October 2020

6 minute read

Many of us around the UK take advantage of Free Wills Month to prepare and get peace of mind by writing a will. Read this if you're considering writing your will.

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Executor of a will UK - what is an executor and what are their duties?

6 minute read

Find out more about the job of the executor and how they carry out a person's wishes according to their will.

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Free & low-cost will writing - what're the options?

5 minute read

There are many ways to make a will; with a lawyer, online, DIY. Each option comes with unique decisions and a price point - find out what's right for you.

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What is a beneficiary in a will?

2 minute read

One of the most important reasons to write a will is to decide who will inherit your estate - these people (or charities) are called your beneficiaries.

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Wills for Couples - What Do You Need to Know?

5 minute read

It's very common for people to start thinking about sorting their will when they get married or have a long term partner. Find out more on how to best do this.

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Mirror Wills & Joint Wills

2 minute read

Find out what a mirror will is and how it might differ from a joint will or single will. What's the right option for you?

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How to Appoint a Legal Guardian in a Will

4 minute read

How can you protect your children when you die? Appoint a legal guardian for them in your will. Find out how and why you should do this.

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Making a will in the UK: Complete Free Guide 2020

8 minute read

Everything you need to know in our making a will guide. There are many things to consider when making a will in the UK so read this to stay informed.

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Can you reduce inheritance tax by leaving a gift to charity?

4 minute read

Giving a gift to charity in your will helps them, but it also offers a host of personal benefits, including reducing inheritance tax. Find out more today.

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Making a will at home: Coronavirus FAQs

3 minute read

The demand for getting a will sorted has risen given COVID-19. Here we try and answer some frequently asked questions.

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What is a codicil to a will?

5 minute read

After a significant life event you will need to update your will. A codicil acts as an add-on to a will and crucially means you don’t need to write a new will.

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Who can witness a will?

2 minute read

After writing your will you need to sign it in front of two witnesses to make it legally binding. There are rules around who can and cannot witness a will.

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When Should You Update Your Will

2 minute read

Does your will reflect your current wishes? Many of us write our will and then forget about it; this can sometimes mean that it is no longer valid.

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What is a Grant of Probate?

2 minute read

A grant of probate confirms the authority of an executor to administer the estate of someone who has died.

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Responsibilities and Duties of an Executor

5 minute read

If you have been selected as executor, it is important to understand your duties. Find out more about your responsibilities and where you may need help.

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How To Make a Will For Free

3 minute read

Nearly two-thirds of adults in the UK have not prepared a will, here we look at the 3 main ways to prepare a will, including how to do it for free.

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How To Find a Will

3 minute read

When someone close to you dies, you might not be sure if they have a will or not. There are ways you can try and find their will.

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Can an Executor of a Will Also Be a Beneficiary?

2 minute read

In short, yes an executor can also be a beneficiary. This is a common question about wills that needs clearing up, read more to find out key differences.

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3 Reasons To Write Or Change Your Will

5 minute read

Many of us don’t know when the right time to write or change a will is. We go over three key life events that mean you need a new or updated will.

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What Happens If You Die Without A Will?

3 minute read

When you die and don't have a will in place, your assets are dealt with according to laws of intestacy. These laws are the government's way of deciding how everything you own is split up.

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What is Probate?

2 minute read

In England and Wales, probate is generally a word used to describe the financial and legal processes of a person after they have died.

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Post Office DIY Will Kit

8 minute read

Post Office DIY Will Kits are technically legally binding when signed with a witness. However, DIY Post Office Will Kits can be tricky and it’s not for everyone. Learn more about Post Office DIY Will Kits and the other options out there to help work out what the best option is for you.

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