Advice Grief, Loss & Bereavement

Grief, Loss & Bereavement

What do you say to someone grieving on Father’s Day?

6 minute read

Father's Day grief support: discover meaningful ways to support someone on Father's Day grieving the loss of a father or a child, or struggling to become a father.

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A Guide to Reporting a Death to Different Organisations

3 minute read

A guide to reporting a death to different organisations, including government departments using the Tell Us Once service, as well as private companies.

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What to do when someone dies: the first week

4 minute read

What to do when someone dies: a practical guide to steps to take in the first week. From verifying their death, caring for them, to registering their death.

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What do you say to someone grieving on Mother’s Day?

5 minute read

Find out what to say to someone grieving on Mother’s Day and the different ways you can support someone who has lost their Mum, or a Mum who has lost a child.

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Widow’s Fire

3 minute read

Learn about widow’s fire, a common side effect of grief, where people can feel an uncontrollable desire for sex following the death of their partner.

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Will we get a bank holiday for the Queen’s state funeral?

2 minute read

The day of the Queen's state funeral has been declared a bank holiday. However, it's a little different from other bank holidays. Find out more here.

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Operation London Bridge: What happens after the Queen's death?

4 minute read

What happens next after the Queen's death has been meticulously planned out in 'Operation: London Bridge is down', see the key dates and timelines here.

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How to support someone grieving on Father's Day

4 minute read

Father’s day can be tough. Octopus Legacy has put together a guide on how to support people who might be grieving this Father’s Day.

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Online Memorial Websites

4 minute read

Octopus Legacy explain everything you need to know about Online Memorial Websites, what they are, how to set up a memorial page and how they can help you today.

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How to deal with grief

6 minute read

Dealing with grief can be overwhelming. Here are some thoughts on how to deal with grief today, and in the months and years to come.

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Guide to in Memory Donations

3 minute read

Many families choose to ask for donations in memory of their loved one to help a cause close to their heart and continue their legacy.

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Support Hubs - Bringing Families and Friends Together

2 minute read

Losing a loved one can be one of the hardest things to cope with. Using a support hub means no one should have to go through the bereavement process alone ever again.

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The 5 Stages of Grief

3 minute read

Losing a loved one can be one of the hardest things to cope with. We have a partnership with the National Bereavement Service.

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Dealing with Grief

3 minute read

Losing a loved one can be one of the hardest things to cope with. We have a partnership with the National Bereavement Service, if you can call them.

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Bereavement Support Services

2 minute read

Losing someone is one of the hardest things to deal with. If you have any questions related to bereavement please call the National Bereavement Service.

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Photo of Eliza
Photo of Dylan
Photo of Sam
Photo of Zana
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